So now that the reunion is days away I guess I should finally sit downand come up with a post. I started up at BYU the fall followinggraduation, studying chemistry. I completed one year before leaving on a mission to Maracaibo, Venezuela. Upon returning I met my future wife, Heather, relatively quickly (we were lab partners in a chemistry class; nerdy, huh?) a
nd we were married about a year later. We continued going to school and living in Springville, and finally graduated in 2004, me in chemistry and Heather in bioinformatics. From there it was off to snowy Milwaukee for medical school for the next four years, where our first son, Isaac, was born in '06. Our second(male, but yet to be named) should be arriving in October '08. Meanwhile Heat
her has put her skills to work to help put me through school, working for the med school and for a related company. I finally graduated in May of this year, and I will be doing my first year of residency in Milwaukee and then we will move to Minneapolis next year for another four years of residency in radiation oncology.Unfortu
nately I was unable to land a spot further west than that, but we like the midwest too. Until residency starts we are vacationing and camping, and we were lucky enough to have the class reunion fall when we would be in Utah anyway!
SO good to see you and hear your family's update! Your little guy is precious.Please keep in touch if you get a chance. WE'd love to hear how Residency goes!
Nicole (Nielsen) Donaldson
Matt Vernon. Wow. It is nice to see your blog. I hope your residency goes well and wish you and your family the best.
Katie Elder Ball
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