Life has been good to me. I received my Associates Degree at UVSC. I worked and went to college non-stop until my councilor said I had too many credits and I had to wait for one class to open for my degree in Special Education. In the midst of waiting I met my spouse, Kevin and we dated long-distance and were married 7 months later. I worked as a substitute teacher and got my fill for teaching as we lived on his family's alfalfa farm by Paragonah. We planned to finish my degree starting the next semester at USU. Then surprise! Samantha was born a couple months after our first anniversary. I knew I couldn't leave my baby so I took classes up until she was born at UVSC for a Preschool Certificate, and Kevin took the Fire Fighter classes there too. We bought a small home in Springville next to the Junior High and we fixed it up completely, and Kevin was a volunteer on the Springville Fire Dept. We moved to St. George for Kevin to continue education and I had our second child, Derrick. Kevin found us a house in Gunlock on 1.25 acres. 1973 and all the wood panel and green would be considered vintage now. We plan to update slowly as finances permit. I had KayDee a couple months after we moved in and we have resided there since. I turned out to be pregnant everytime we moved and we think we found our resting place, so we think our family is complete too. Kevin is the Gunlock Fire Captain (volunteer of course) and tiling, and I am still doing my field research in child development and maternal development. Being a mom is hard but so worth it!Now that we are adjusted to Southern Utah climate we enjoy doing our favorite things: off-roading, hiking, camping, biking, and whatever else allows us to be outside. I write the town newsletter The Gunlock Informer, you can see it at thegunlockinformer.blogspot.com. You can also check out more of my life at kslaub.blogspot.com but you may find out more than you want to. Ten years later and I am exactly where I want to be, an amazing husband, three adorable kids and a house that fits our needs.
It is a small world. We'll see you at the reunion.
Send us a blog invite:). Nicoleedonaldson@gmail.com
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